'Night Mart' was a pitch project for an animated series that I storyboarded in late 2020. Created by Casey Sincic, the project was a horror-comedy aimed at a mature audience, and centred on "...a convenience store on the crossroads of the human and monster worlds, where a hormonal group of teenage employees contend with both the nightmares seeping into their town and the personal horrors of growing up."
Based on the project brief, I did some early visual exploration of the characters, and then storyboarded an 8-page script (written by Casey Sincic) that formed an introduction to the world of 'Night Mart'. Below you can find some designs, flippable storyboard sequences and animatic snippets (roughly timed out by me):
Based on the project brief, I did some early visual exploration of the characters, and then storyboarded an 8-page script (written by Casey Sincic) that formed an introduction to the world of 'Night Mart'. Below you can find some designs, flippable storyboard sequences and animatic snippets (roughly timed out by me):
Part 1 - Please use your arrow keys to navigate through the flippable panels
Part 2 - Please use your arrow keys to navigate through the flippable panels
Werewolf from Rhianna Wynter on Vimeo.